Syren Allsport 12ga Trap Combo

Syren Allsport 12ga Trap Combo
Should you adjust to your gun… or should it adjust to you? The new Syren Elevate allows the shooter to adjust all critical specifications making it easy to fine-tune the gun to your shooting style. Point-of-impact, stock fit, trigger system, recoil characteristics, and overall weight and balance are all customizable. The geometry of the Elevate allows for an upright shooting stance, making your gun mount more comfortable while reducing felt recoil. The result is less strain on your neck and shoulders allowing you to concentrate on only the target. Also, thanks to the Quick Release Rib system, the Elevate has the ability to swap ribs for various shooting configurations in order to compete in multiple disciplines like Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays. Two ribs come standard, one at 50/50 POI and the other at 65/35. The Syren Elos N2 Elevate Trap Combo features an additional 34” unsingle barrel to accommodate trap specialists. The point of impact on the unsingle is 70/30% making it ideal for singles and handicap disciplines.